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User-Centered Screeners: Balancing Accessibility and Effectiveness

User-Centered Screeners: Balancing Accessibility and Effectiveness

Discover how outdated screeners are hindering investment decisions. Learn about the essential features and accessibility standards needed for a modern, effective screener. Explore Expero's innovative approach and partnership with Morningstar.

Chat GPT

Chat GPT has taken the world by storm, and is quickly changing how both professionals and those just now entering the workforce are approaching their day to day work, personal tasks, and career prospects. Join us as we discuss how and why Chat GPT is changing things so quickly, concerns and limitations of the technology, and considerations for using it in professional and personal situations.

Your App is Slow: Speed Is a Feature

Most development is feature driven. A developer is on the line to complete a user story or functional requirement, and even if the application gets a little slower, she’d rather have a demo to show during sprint review, instead of watching every one else’s demo.

2021 Trends in Fraud (AML)

The focus of this webinar is to identify Machine Learning, Visualization, and Graph technology trends in 2021 that can increase the accuracy and output of systems, and how including the ‘Human in the Loop’ can get you ahead of AML legislation.