Jetpack for Wealth Screener
Connected Jetpack: An AI-assisted analytics module for navigating complex data and generating actionable insights!
Finance Toolkit
Get a quick look at the Expero connected toolkit for finance with OpenFin. Explore the market and company overview panels, and see how ...
It’s Components All The Way Down
In this talk we’ll discuss patterns and anti-patterns from real-world projects including: how to split your application into components...
2021 Trends In Finance Analytics
The focus of this webinar is to show you how new technology trends in 2021 can increase the usability and accuracy of your finance anal...
Moving Beyond Node Views
Getting your graph to scale is only half the battle. Learn here how Expero helps businesses understand their data and make real time de...
Deploying Data Products
Building data products in your organization to realize data science ROI and never before seen data insights.
Why You Should Give Svelte a Try
What makes Svelte a different UI framework and why you should give it a try. In this article you will learn the benefits of using Svelt...
Modernize Your Legacy App
In this session of our client-server to cloud seminar series, we share proven methods for determining if modernizing makes sense for yo...
What’s New in Neo4j
Everyone gets delusions of grandeur!” That’s what Han Solo said after being frozen in carbonite. I’ve been solving data problems for cu...
What’s New in Titan?
As part of the work we’re doing to refresh our graph database evaluation for a couple of clients (and our upcoming talk at Graph Day!) ...
ZooKeeper Usage 1: Ephemeral Nodes
Zookeeper is a distributed database originally developed as part of the Hadoop project. It’s spawned several imitators: Consul, etcd, a...
Your App Is Slow: Boiling the Frog
How many times has a customer come and told you your product was “slow”? In this multi-part series, we will discuss how “slow” happens,...
Where Do Unit Conversions Go?
Unit of measure conversions are a constant concern in scientific code. Most well written scientific domain kernels should be unit un-aw...
When confronted with a problem...
Back in the 1990s, if you wanted to interview a C++ programmer, you’d ask him to write a string class. My programming homework counted ...
Tasktop legacy client-server platform had a steep learning curve for deploying integrations. In addition to moving to the web, Tasktop ...
Predictive Drilling
Drilling through narrow beds of hydrocarbons isn’t easy. Expero designed the user experience for a complex data-driven analytics packag...
OpenDoor Trading was creating a brand new product that needed to be innovative. However the trading community had long held expectation...
Iconixx legacy code base and user experience once cutting edge had become dated. They were concerned that the dated look and lack of mo...