Our cutting edge solutions

Smart innovation and software solutions to solve your most critical challenges

We design and deliver meaningful innovation for expert users in complex environments. Our teams have delivered hundreds of solutions to empower teams to make real-time decisions, build new products faster, scrutinize data with greater accuracy and accelerate their organization. Whether custom development or bolt-on software, we help you move fast.

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Digital Wealth & Online Brokerages

Elevate the digital experience for wealth management and brokerage customers

Build customer trust and engagement with cutting-edge tools and platforms designed to transform digital wealth and brokerage experiences.

  • Enhance customer-facing platforms with seamless user interfaces and personalized experiences
  • Enable advisors with real-time analytics and insights to better guide their clients
  • Optimize trading and portfolio management systems for speed, security, and performance
Digital Wealth & Online Brokerages

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Asset Management

Drive superior results with modernized asset management solutions

Equip your teams with the technology and insights to optimize asset management strategies, improve performance, and exceed client expectations.

  • Harness the power of advanced analytics to uncover opportunities and mitigate risks
  • Automate complex workflows to increase operational efficiency and scalability
  • Deliver real-time performance insights and reporting to clients with unparalleled transparency
Asset Management

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Financial Crimes

Reduce risk and prevent fraud in real time

Regardless of industry or use case, we engineer, design and deliver fraud-preventing technology, predictive analytics, integrated systems and accurate data to identify and root out fraud faster.

  • Detect high-risk patterns and decrease false positives faster with beautiful visualization of complex, fully-connected data
  • Increase accuracy and efficiency of your investigations with a single, centralized view of historical and real-time data
  • Stay ahead of any potential fraudster with actionable insights delivered by high-powered analytics and intelligent scenario planning
Financial Crimes

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M208 32a176 176 0 1 1 0 352 176 176 0 1 1 0-352zm0 384c51.7 0 99-18.8 135.3-50L484.7 507.3c6.2 6.2 16.4 6.2 22.6 0s6.2-16.4 0-22.6L366 343.3c31.2-36.4 50-83.7 50-135.3C416 93.1 322.9 0 208 0S0 93.1 0 208S93.1 416 208 416zM128 224l0 64c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16l0-64c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16zm64-96l0 160c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16l0-160c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16zm64 64l0 96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16l0-96c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16z" fill="currentColor"/></svg>

Market Data

Transform how you access, manage, and leverage market insights

Empower your business with the tools to process, analyze, and act on market data more effectively, delivering deeper insights and actionable intelligence across your organization.

  • Streamline data integration to deliver tailored insights and AI-ready feeds
  • Deliver real-time insights through advanced analytics and tailored workflows for expert users
  • Scale your systems to handle complex data streams with speed, reliability, and accuracy
Market Data