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Building on Digital Transformation - Integrating, Scaling, and Streamlining Wealth Management for the Future

Building on Digital Transformation - Integrating, Scaling, and Streamlining Wealth Management for the Future

This session builds upon the previous webinar's exploration of digital transformation in wealth management. It delves into the convergence of wealth/asset management with banking, insurance, and planning, focusing on hybrid digital solutions and emerging technologies. Topics include integrating traditional and digital practices, scaling advisor impact (fractional investing, platform services), streamlining operations, the future of financial planning (AI), and meeting evolving client expectations. Provides a roadmap for implementing digital strategies and capitalizing on emerging trends.

Too busy to man the gates yourself? Use a bouncer like Auth0.

In one of the projects Expero worked on several years ago, the client chose to build their own custom authentication solution. For three weeks, one developer’s status at the scrum every morning was “security.” It took that competent developer several weeks to get a very basic custom solution in place. Additionally, that solution didn’t even have integration with other identity providers or any other bells and whistles! You can easily double that estimate if you want even a few providers and a user interface that doesn’t look drab.

Can Google’s Material Design Guidelines Work for Complex Applications?

Is Google’s Material Design for complex software? My first reaction after reading through these new Google guidelines was: no. There’s no way these simple rules will translate seamlessly to complex enterprise-class applications—the kinds of projects that Expero excels at—at least not without starting over and removing 90% of the features/functionality that users want at their fingertips.

Mutual Funds Screener Demo

Provides and overview of how the Morningstar powered Mutual Fund Screener works, and how it can be integrated into other Morningstar data.