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Serverless Authentication with AWS Lambda@Edge & Auth0

Learn how to protect your resources by setting up serverless OAuth authentication with Auth0 and AWS Lambda@Edge.

Do You Need a Graph Database? (Online Seminar)

‍We are in an era of unprecedented innovation in databases. Data-intensive companies are grappling with whether the many new options — NoSQL, Key-Value, Document, Column Family, Column-Oriented — are appropriate for them. The commercial success of Facebook and LinkedIn makes graph databases a hot area of investigation. Unlike many new databases, they are not a variation on or a simplification of relational databases. Instead they require new ways of thinking and modeling data. In return they can answer truly novel questions.

Graph Database Evaluations

We are meeting more people who are interested in looking into the world of graph databases. Palladium has executed proofs–of–concept for clients to help them explore this world. In this post we summarize what sorts of questions we feel like a proof of concept project can answer, and how we typically tackle them. For our presentation at Graph Day, we’ll be walking through one in particular, but really there are a variety of answers you may want.