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The Three Worst Words You’ll Hear in UX

At Expero, we don’t like to just guess. We do under certain time constraints, but we want to get it right. That means finding out what the right design should be—and that means thoroughly evaluating options, often with feedback from stakeholders and end-users.

Graph Day 2016

A case study at Graph Day recounting a client study we did to see whether their database could be reorganized to offer improved query performance. We looked at graph databases (OrientDB, Titan, Neo4J) because they thought of their data as graph data, and relational (Postgresql) because that’s what their database already implemented.

Automated Narrative Summary

#NLP #MachineLearning #algorithm learns to tell #stories by summarizing #commercial #RealEstate #data, #earning #profits and spurring #CustomerRetention. #BINGO!