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Building on Digital Transformation - Integrating, Scaling, and Streamlining Wealth Management for the Future

Building on Digital Transformation - Integrating, Scaling, and Streamlining Wealth Management for the Future

This session builds upon the previous webinar's exploration of digital transformation in wealth management. It delves into the convergence of wealth/asset management with banking, insurance, and planning, focusing on hybrid digital solutions and emerging technologies. Topics include integrating traditional and digital practices, scaling advisor impact (fractional investing, platform services), streamlining operations, the future of financial planning (AI), and meeting evolving client expectations. Provides a roadmap for implementing digital strategies and capitalizing on emerging trends.

Panel Discussion on DevOps and Security (#c9d9)

Continuous Discussions is a weekly online panel discussion which is sponsored by Electric Cloud and discusses a variety of topics around Agile, Continuous Delivery and DevOps with a range of different speakers.

2021 Trends In Finance Analytics

The focus of this webinar is to show you how new technology trends in 2021 can increase the usability and accuracy of your finance analytics.

Beware the Two-Tap Rule

I’m a fan of Yahoo for news and email, but I’m not a fan of their new “two-tap rule.” The rule states that once a user is in a Yahoo application, it should take only two taps to do anything the user wants to do. Fast-to-use apps are the goal here. The two-tap rule sounds a lot like our field’s misguided “three-click rule,” which Expero cautioned against in 2007.