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User-Centered Screeners: Balancing Accessibility and Effectiveness

User-Centered Screeners: Balancing Accessibility and Effectiveness

Discover how outdated screeners are hindering investment decisions. Learn about the essential features and accessibility standards needed for a modern, effective screener. Explore Expero's innovative approach and partnership with Morningstar.

Amazon’s Elastic File System: Kicking the Tires

If you want to store lots of data, the Amazon cloud has buckets and glaciers for you, but not a shared file system.

2021 Trends In Finance Analytics

The focus of this webinar is to show you how new technology trends in 2021 can increase the usability and accuracy of your finance analytics.

Fight Fraud With Graph + ML

During this webinar, TigerGraph and Expero will discuss the complexity and state of AML, and how the roles of Humans, Graph, and Machine Learning combine.