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Dive into our world and find out what we have to say about technology, UX, and software development.

Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize Your Finance Desktop: Building Cutting-Edge Apps with FDC3 & OpenFin

Modernize finance desktops in wealth management, capital markets and compliance with FDC3 and OpenFin

Deploying Data Products

Building data products in your organization to realize data science ROI and never before seen data insights.

Centralized Configuration Management – Part 1 – Storing and Controlling the Data

Our product suite (all .NET based) consists of a small but growing number of related applications with a lot of configuration data stored in app/web.config files with multiple environmental transforms. Much of the configuration is repeated across multiple projects in each environment (e.g. connection strings, email servers, etc.) so centralization of this data would be of great help. Currently, making even simple changes to any of these keys requires sifting through a large number of config files and transforms to make changes which is tedious, error prone, and difficult to test effectively.

Customer 360: Cross-Selling & Up-selling

Example of how financial institutions can use an all encompassing view of their customer to cross-sell and up-sell.