Modernizing voice communications for traders

Enabling existing telephony soft client to be FDC3 compliant, to work as a fully enabled Workspace Application and for new features to be implement that enable seamless telephony interop across the desktop.

Enhanced Software Interface for Communication Hardware

Use Case

A leading provider of secure, compliant communications and multi-cloud connectivity solutions for the global financial markets. Expero was retained to modernize and uplift a current telephony product to be compliant for diabled and related FDC3 user interface compliance features in their software platform

Customer Challenges

Multiple Challenges including:

  • UI and User Experience
  • Custom Software Development
  • Technology & Platform Integraton

Delivered Results

UI and User Experience - The Expero team created new and innovative designs for the advisors and workflow patterns with an interactive application with the desired feature requests.  These were curated and defined using an agile project with low and high fidelity work products.  The end goal was a comprehensive application and customer experience for the overall suite of products including the new portfolio experience

Custom Software Development - The team was able to build the new features with a single page application with REACT and extend the current customers platform and expand the current systems feature, over all usability and bring a new easy to use product to market

Expero Solution

Modernized and ensured compliance new fully enabled workspace applications and features. Improved customer experience with better UX and UI and new features for increased usability

Desktop Toolbar, Left-right Call Monitor,Favorites Dialer, Desktop Notifications, and 3rd-party App Call Integration

Directory, and 3rd-party App Call Integration

Notification Sidebar, Contect Detail, and 3rd-party App Call Integration

What will we build together?

Let’s craft innovative, market-leading software to accelerate your business. Our software and data engineering teams are ready to solve your complex problems and help you grow.